
What is a treasure hunt? A treasure hunt is a competition in which participating teams receive a list of often useless items they need to obtain to win. Participants will often have to solve a series of puzzles that give clues about the location of the elements. Often, there is no real treasure to look for. Instead, all items on the treasure search list are fun or undesirable. There are many variations of the traditional treasure hunt. They are popular  tech support engineer   among all age groups, from young children to college graduates and adults (real). How to organize a treasure hunt in 10 steps A lot of planning is needed to organize a treasure hunt, especially if it involves many participants and extends over a large geographic area. If you want yours to have a solid start, follow these 10 steps. 1. Consider a ticket sales platform. If you are planning a large treasure hunt for the entire community, you may want to use a ticket sales platform where peop...